Community Involvement Through Committees

Communications Committee

  • Recommend updates to content on our website, so that the Board can refresh the site
  • Manage our Facebook page
  • Answer letters and e-mails from neighbors with BOD oversight
  • Obtain and manage signs for the HOA (erect and remove per event at entrances)
  • Send Welcome Letter (gift) for new residents

Social Committee

  • Organize and host neighborhood social events:

Spring Clean Garage Sale
HOA Annual Picnic
Summer Food Fest (food trucks)
Movie Nights (Diane spearheading)
Hawaiian Days Pool Party
Halloween Treats for Tots
Christmas Spirit Decorations Contest

Residents of BQR enjoy the sense of community that events such as these offer.  These functions give us a chance to get to know each other.  Please join this committee to make it happen and make it fun!

Good Samaritan Committee 

  • Create a forum for members who may want to reach out to neighbors for special assistance with lawn maintenance in times of personal crisis
  • This committee does NOT initiate compliance enforcement, but rather organizes to respond to special requests initiated by neighbors
  • Circulate a letter to HOA members requesting good samaritan volunteers that will be willing to assist neighbors struggling to comply with maintenance requirements of the HOA
  • Keep a list of those willing to help

With a spirit of neighborly concern, this committee consistently recruits a group of willing and helping hands that can step up in times of need.  If you have a charitable heart, please reach out to a neighbor in need.  In so doing, you play a huge role in making BQR the caring community that anyone would want to call home.

CC&R Refinement & Consolidation Committee 

  • Originally established to review, update, clarify, and detail CC&R’s, Bylaws, and Regulations
  • Draft new and more current content for our governing documents based on the evolving needs of the neighborhood at large
  • Host online discussions and forums seeking resident feedback and suggestions
  • Compose amendment proposals
  • Present ideas and modifications  (Amendment Proposals) to the Board for legal review, and editing (if necessary)
  • Circulate petitions obtaining signatures, addresses, and phone numbers that can verify support for Amendments. (2/3rds of the membership  required)
  • Prepare ballots for “up or down” voting
  • Include on Ballots an argument section with rationale for the change, support statement of the proposal, and a rebuttal position statement
  • Submit verbiage or commentary to the Board for posting balloting results on the BQR HOA website
  • Communicate changes to the CC&R’s in the annual letter (submit article to the Board for this purpose)

Please lend your voice and your fine tuning skills to bring your community documents up to date with clearly communicated expectations that reflect the desires of a majority of our members.  Your Board remains open and willing to act at the direction of a majority (66%) of members.  All of us collectively can be part of the solution when we all serve.  Please sign up for this important committee.

Sound-off Resolution Committee

  • Meet to listen to homeowner grievances, problem solve, and document suggestions for improvement
  • Recruit resident participation on committees
  • Discern the prevalent sentiment within the community on emerging topics of concern
  • Ultimately, present recommendations to the Board
  • Foster continuing improvement of the HOA and neighborhood overall

The HOA (all members collectively) invite you to become involved with making BQR the best community in which to thrive.  The optimum way for this to occur is for everyone to be heard and valued.  After all, we’re all in this together!  Please join this committee and promote inclusion.

Pool Committee 

  • Monitor the pool area
  • Make suggestions for improvements
  • Host Snow Cone Days & Movie Nights
  • Ensure that rules are being followed during the open season
  • Assist the Board with distributing Pool Tags in the spring

If you want to be where all of the action is, and hang out with fabulous neighbors, the pool is the place to be in the summer.  Help keep our pool vibrant and inviting by joining the Pool Committee.

Landscape Committee 

  • Ensure that landscaping of the entry areas and park are maintained and seasonal
  • Inspect trees, bushes, and flower beds in common areas for annual maintenance trimming, pruning, weeding, etc.
  • Bring suggestions for maintenance and landscape enhancements to the Board for budgeting and action
  • Administer “Yard of the Month” program in June through September (4 months)

It is said that you “never get a second chance to make a first impression.”  The landscaping at our entrances make that first impression about BQR every day.  In addition, the park continues to make a statement about our welcoming environment.  This important committee is vital for delivering positive visual messages that keep future residents wanting to move into BQR.  That impacts the bottom line for all of us!  Help us create excitement for BQR by serving on this crucial committee.

Architectural Committee

  • Review proposed structural improvements submitted by members to confirm compliance with CC&Rs
  • Reiterate the covenants in communications with residents
  • Draft an ‘Architectural Approval Request’ Form that residents can use for submitting their proposals
  • Compile and circulate lists of approved building materials: i.e. roofing shingles, fencing, yard storage buildings, etc.
  • Create awareness with reminders sent to neighbors before they spend money on improvements that violate restrictions.  Proffer all requests to the Board
  • Inspect park structures to ensure they are maintained and in acceptable, if not optimal, condition
  • Provide feedback and recommend improvements to the BOD

Our neighborhood showcases individuality with a multitude of expressions that exhibit personal preferences and styles.  It’s also filled with beautiful homes.  We can keep it that way if we all follow the CC&R’s that were set forth and agreed to when we made our purchases.  Let’s unite to continue the mission of the builders that developed BQR and those that established our association.  Serving on this committee can build upon the foundation that they laid.

Vehicle and Parking Committee

  • Communicate consistently with the city as a liaison from BQR pleading for road repairs and improvements because the city is responsible for the condition of our roads
  • This is not an enforcement position, but rather a group that can clarify CC&Rs, and garner cooperation among neighbors
  • Identify vehicles that are not in concert with HOA parking restrictions
  • Communicate with neighbors regarding the parking CC&R’s
  • Effect change to the HOA Regulations through amendment proposals that can be voted on and adopted by a required majority of the members in the HOA. Majority rules!

City ordinances and compliance with parking restrictions remain a point of contention in many HOA communities.  Join this committee to help modify regulations, if the required majority of members support proposed changes.  You can make a difference in a neighborly and appealing manner.

Political Action Advocates 

  • Become the voice for the HOA at city council meetings and beyond to demand improvements to our streets
  • Reach out to neighboring HOAs uniting in consolidation to convince city officials to take action, and fund our road projects
  • Write letters and make calls
  • Shine a light on the road repair issue through media outlets
  • Report ongoing efforts and results to the Board of Directors

It’s often said, “There’s strength in numbers.”  The more people that take up the cause of improving our streets, the louder our voice will be, and the stronger our position.  If you are inclined toward political activism, this is the committee to join for making a big difference in our community.  The sky is the limit!  But first, our roads!!