June Yard of the Month

We’re excited to honor Mr. Thomas on 153rd St. as recipient of our Yard of the Month for June.  His hard work to cultivate an incredible landscape, not only created pleasing aesthetics for his own home, but also contributed to the overall beauty of our neighborhood.  Congratulations, Mr. Thomas, and thank YOU!

2023 Initiatives

We are halfway through the year, and your Board has been hard at work engaged in several important initiatives to enhance the enjoyment of our neighborhood.  Initiatives that are complete include:

  1. Pool House Restoration and Refresh
    • repair and paint the bathrooms and repairs in pump house
  2. Pool Resurface Project
    • plaster the pool and replace surrounding mastic joints
  3. Put a Stain on the Park Initiative 
    • stain the pavilion and park features
  4. Covenants Awareness Campaign
    • circulate and post on website a Homeowner Reference Guide with insight about the spirit of our CC&Rs

Ongoing initiatives are:

  • Operation Crunch the Numbers

    • renegotiating contracts and taking a microscopic look at expenditures to find savings, and cut unnecessary expenses
  • Let Your Voice Be Heard Ballot Initiative          
    • an opinion survey or vote on several measures to give the Board feedback from the members on where to focus their efforts in the coming year.  The Ballot Measure is posted on the website, and can be printed and mailed to the PO Box address.  If you haven’t yet voted, please do so by the end of August.

 Proposed potential initiatives for the fall:

  • Signs of  the Time Initiative 
    • inventory, needs assessment, and refresh of our signs.  Calling for volunteers that will post informative signs at the entrances and park next year
  • Out on a Limb Tree Trimming 
    • a neighborhood cooperative campaign to focus on needed tree trimming and street clearing during the fall, especially for trees obstructing sidewalks and road signs

Enter with Caution!

⚠️ Please enter with caution on the May entrance.  A tree limb split and fell into the road.  The Board is arranging to have the limb removed.  Meanwhile, if there are a couple of strong men willing to drag it off the street, and onto the median, drivers will appreciate your efforts.


Summer Season Opener

Saturday, June 3rd, we celebrated  the first weekend of summer by opening our newly resurfaced pool and refurbished pool house.  Everyone could barely wait to splash in the sparkling clean water. 💦. Meanwhile, the Board hosted our annual picnic at the newly stained pavilion.  We called it the 5 P Party, as it showcased our Park, Pavilion, Playground, and Pool while enjoying Pizza! 🍕 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

A big shout out to our helping hands who delivered pizza, cookies, and drinks with a cheerful smile. 😃 Thankyou to Kay Compton, Janet Bell, and Ray Fassbender.  We look forward to more exciting events as the summer progresses! 🫠