It's that time of year again!
2025 Membership Dues statements have been mailed out.
Fees are due on 1/31/25.
Please be advised that PayPal charges a convenience fee of $9.09 for any payments made. For payments not received by March 31st, a $25 penalty will need to be included with payment.
These hours go into effect on August 15th.
2024 Adult Only Swim Hours
Regular Pool Hours
During August on days the Edmond Schools are in session, pool hours will be 4pm- 8pm Tuesday-Friday.
* Required sign in with the Lifeguard on duty.
* You must present a 2024 pool tag to be granted entrance to the pool area.
* Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
* Each resident is allowed 2 guests.
* Please observe all posted pool rules.

2024 Pool Tags
- Saturday, May 11th from 1pm – 3pm
- Saturday, May 19th from 1pm – 3pm
- Thursday, May 23rd from 5pm – 6:30pm
- Saturday, May 25th from 1pm-3pm
You must be current on your Dues to receive a pool tag. Verification of all dues paid will be made before tags are handed out. If you have not paid your dues, you will need to pay your Dues plus a $25 late fee. You can pay by check, cash, or by PayPal.
*Homeowners can reserve the pool for parties after regular hours (8:00 pm to 10:00 pm). You must hire a Lifeguard for your event, and clean the area after use. The HOA reserves the right to assess a cleaning fee.
Please request a reservation using the form on the website, so that the calendar can be updated.
Blue Quail Ridge Newsletter: Spring 2023
You will need Adobe Reader to open the PDF file.